Confidence Unleashed: Your Path to Success and Happiness - Anita Luis

Here are the meetings available after being done live 🙂

1. day 01.10. sunday 21:00 h do 21:45 h

2. day 08.10. sunday 21:00 h do 21:45 h

3. day 15.10. sunday 21:00 h do 21:45 h

4. day 22.10. sunday 21:00 h do 21:45 h

5. day 29.10. sunday 21:00 h do 21:45 h

6. day 05.11. sunday 21:00 h do 21:45 h

7. day 12.11. sunday 21:00 h do 21:45 h

8. day 19.11. sunday 21:00 h do 21:45 h

Za gledanje sadržaja kliknite na datum susreta.

Confidence Unleashed: Your Path to Success and Happiness

In a world full of opportunities, self-assurance becomes the driving force that propels us towards success and happiness. Introducing our transformative course, “Confidence Unleashed,” where you will embark on a journey to unlock your true potential, build unshakeable confidence, and pave the way to a life filled with achievement and joy.

Course Overview:

Are you ready to step into your greatness? “Confidence Unleashed” is designed for individuals who are committed to reaching new heights in their personal and professional lives. This empowering course will guide you through a series of enriching modules, interactive exercises, and immersive experiences, all aimed at nurturing your confidence and helping you tap into your inner strength.

What You’ll Gain

  1. Unwavering Self-Belief: Learn how to overcome self-doubt, embrace your unique qualities, and cultivate a strong sense of self-worth that propels you forward.
  2. Bold Action and Achievement: Develop the courage to take bold actions and tackle challenges head-on, leading to remarkable accomplishments in your endeavors.
  3. Effective Communication Skills: Master the art of communication, articulate your thoughts with clarity, and engage others with confidence and charisma.
  4. Resilience in the Face of Adversity: Build resilience that shields you from setbacks, transforming obstacles into stepping stones on your path to success.
  5. Positive Mindset and Well-Being: Discover techniques to maintain a positive outlook, manage stress, and foster a healthy work-life balance for sustained happiness.
  6. Empowered Decision-Making: Make decisions with conviction and ease, guided by your newfound confidence and self-assuredness.
  7. Goal Attainment and Growth: Set and achieve ambitious goals, fueled by the belief that you are capable of achieving greatness.

Why Choose “Confidence Unleashed”:

Our course isn’t just about superficial confidence; it’s a holistic journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Led by experienced mentors, “Confidence Unleashed” offers you a supportive community of like-minded individuals, providing a safe space to share, learn, and grow together.

By the end of this transformative course, you will emerge as a more confident, empowered, and self-assured individual, ready to seize opportunities, overcome challenges, and create a life that resonates with success and happiness.


  1. day 01.08. Tuesday 9:00 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. First workshop
  2. day 08.08. Tuesday 9:00 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. Second workshop
  3. day 15.08. Tuesday 9:00 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. Third workshop
  4. day 22.08. Tuesday 9:00 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. Workshop fourth
  5. day 29.08. Tuesday 9:00 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. Fifth workshop
  6. day 05.09. Tuesday 9:00 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. Sixth workshop
  7. day 12.09. Tuesday 9:00 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. Seventhworkshop


  9. Za dodatna pitanja slobodno se javite mailom na

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Izjava o odricanju od odgovornosti (klikni na link)

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5,0 od 5 zvjezdica (na temelju 1.013 ocjena)
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27 veljače, 2024


Nataša Ferderber


Rated 5,0 out of 5
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Rated 5,0 out of 5
19 veljače, 2024

Bilo je super!

Štefanija Križanić

Pitanja i odgovori 6.2.2024

Rated 5,0 out of 5
8 veljače, 2024

Draga Anita, to je bila res super delavnica z odličnimi nasveti, kako ravnati v negativnih situacijah oz.situacijah, ki so za nas polne izzivov. Hvala.


Odlično kao i uvek.

Rated 5,0 out of 5
7 veljače, 2024

Draga moja Anita,svaki je tvoj video,radionica zlata vredna.Saljem ti veliki poljubac


Radionica testiraj uvjerenja o novcu

Rated 5,0 out of 5
24 siječnja, 2024

super! odlična radionica!



Rated 5,0 out of 5
19 siječnja, 2024

Imala sam veliki izazov sa svojom devetogodišnjom ćerkom, nisam je razumela, nisam se znala postaviti u situacijama u kojima je imala strahove, koje sam i sama prošla kada sam bila mlađa. Uz Anitinu podršku i kroz jednu transformacijsku vežbu na njenoj Akademiji stvari su počele da se menjaju, energija nerazumevanja i nervoze se pretvorila u milost, razumevanje i još vise ljubavi.

Sada uživam u predivnom odnosu sa svojom ćerkom i na tome sam beskrajno zahvalna Aniti ❤️



Rated 5,0 out of 5
18 siječnja, 2024

Odlican video


Dajana Lesjak

Rated 5,0 out of 5
18 siječnja, 2024

Akademijo osebne rasti bi iz srca priporočila vsem ki si želite izboljšati svoje življenje ali je to

področje samozavesi, ljubezni,odnosov,zdravja, financ…

Anita vas vodi skozi vse segmente življenja na lahek, razumevajoč in praktičen način!

Hvala Draga Anita za ves tvoj trud

Prav tako hvala tvojemu timu


Akademija jesen 2023.

Rated 5,0 out of 5
14 siječnja, 2024

Anita sa svojim meditacijama vrlo pronicljivo ulazi u najdublje slojeve podsvjesnih krivih uvjerenja koja osobu drže u nekoj zarobljenoj poziciji. I svakako preporuke za one koji se žele suočiti sa svojim dubokim sjenama i transformirati svoj život.
